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3 Cups drawing

I feel i did pretty good with my blending of colors. I feel i could have worked on my detail of the cups and maybe work on the shading and shadow to make it look a little more 3D

Self Portrait

I feel i did pretty good on my blending. I feel that I could of worked on my face a little more maybe made it a little more porposionit with the features. I also overblended on parts of the face. I had to take my needed eraser and take off some color and it made it look a little to white.


Line Quality Drawing

I feel pretty good about my vase. I think i did good on my layers of shading. I think i could work on my rope. I probably should of worked on shading a little more

Still Life Drawing

I feel i could work on my shadowing a little more. I feel i did well with the background.

Line quality drawing 

I feel i could work a little on my detail on my drawing. I like how i made the background less plain so it looks like it is outside

1 Point Perspective Drawing

I think I did good With the wooden Table and the sky background. I feel like i could work on the objects them self.


Gray Paper Drawing

I feel that this was my best drawing yet. I think I did really well with The blending of the darks and lights. I also made the bridge pop out a with the white blended on the sides. I think i could of made the bridge more porportion with the water.But  feel proud of how it turned out to look In the end.

2 point prospective

Drawing I feel i did good with the buildings and shading them but i think i could of did better if i had more time to work on it but i missed 2 days so i had to hurry up and finsh it

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